
Analytical Chemistry

Recent articles

A method to improve the determination of ignition probability in buildings based on Bayesian network

The Analytical Database of Martian Minerals (ADaMM) provides the scientific community with a comprehensive set of spectroscopic and diffractometric data collected from a wide collection of mineral phases relevant for Mars exploration. As much of the given data have been collected by analytical prototypes emulating the spectroscopic tools onboard ExoMars and Mars 2020 rovers, the ADaMM database is meant as a tool to optimize the scientific output of the data returned from Mars.

Identification and characterization of basic copper sulfates as mineral green pigments in Andean colonial mural paintings: Use of temperature‐controlled stage for the study of thermal induced antlerite degradation

Antlerite, a basic copper sulfate, has been successfully identified and characterized as the green pigment present in the colonial mural paintings of the Andean churches in Bolivia, together with local mineral samples, by micro-Raman spectroscopy and μ-EDXRF. In this way, their natural and possibly local origin was assessed. In addition, the temperature-controlled stage coupling to the Raman spectrometer was used to study the induced degradation of the mineral antlerite to allow a correct identification of the basic copper sulfate pigments.